Bothered by your Double Chin?

in News

Are you bothered by your double chin? When you lost your jaw line, does it make you look older?

You are not alone. 67% of consumers are bothered by submental fullness.

There are three causes of this unwanted submental fullness. They are genetic, weight gain and the aging process.

Kybella is the only FDA approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance of moderate to severe submental  fat – often referred to as a Double Chin.

Kybella is made from Deoxycholic acid, which is a natural occurring molecule in our gut that helps to break down dietary fat.

When we inject Kybella into the fat beneath your chin, it destroys the fat cells. It can no longer store the fat, so it is a permanent process!

We tailor a treatment plan for you, based on the amount of fat under your chin and your aesthetic goal. Generally, we start with 2 treatments at 6 weeks apart.

It is an office procedure and usually takes about 20 minutes to complete. Topical numbing cream is applied to the area before the procedure, with an ice pack immediately after the procedure to minimize the discomfort.

Common adverse reactions are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness. They are self-limiting. When Kybella breaks down the fat cell, it creates an inflammatory response, which causes swelling. After the inflammation is gone, it helps tightening the skin.

If you are interested in reducing your double chin, please call my office at 714-930-1351. We love to hear from you!

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